November 7, 2024

Workforce Recruitment Resources Available

The National Rural Water Association (NRWA) has developed workforce recruitment materials for water and wastewater systems. These materials are available at no cost to utilities on the NRWA Career Center.

In the Workforce Toolkit, you'll customizable templates for recruitment, including:

·     Professionally crafted example job posting engaging

·      Social media captions

·      An eye-catching campaign flyer

·      An informative trifold brochure.

In addition to the Toolkit, you'll also find videos about real people in the water and wastewater industry to use on social media, websites, and more. Another tool is the educational video that discusses different career paths in the industry and is the perfect addition to career fairs.

Finally, the NRWA Career Center has a free job board where employers can post openings and candidates can find their next opportunity. Create a free account today!