
Our Vision: 

All of North Dakota has access to affordable, ample, and quality water.

Our Mission:

To educate, promote, support, and lead North Dakota’s water industry in providing quality service to their customers.

Company Profile:

North Dakota Rural Water Systems Association is a non-profit trade association providing numerous services and benefits to rural water systems and municipalities throughout the state of North Dakota.

NDRWSA's Goals:

  • Services: To improve the overall technical, managerial, and financial capacity of North Dakota’s water industry

  • Financial Responsibility: To diversify and strengthen the association's finances.

  • Policy: To advocate for legislation, regulations, and funding that advances the association’s mission.

  • Public Relations: To enhance and promote the public image of the association and North Dakota’s water industry.

  • Operation and Governance: To operate and govern in the best interest of the association.

We Want to Hear From You!

Has a NDRWSA employee helped your system with a problem? Did a Circuit Rider help you find a water leak? Have you attended one of our training classes and thought the trainer did an excellent job?

Well if so, we want to hear from you! Take this opportunity to give a "THANKS" or "GREAT JOB" to an NDRWSA employee. If you would like to show your appreciation for a job well done, please email comments to our office or you can send a letter to: 2718 Gateway Avenue, Suite 201 Bismarck, ND 58503-0585.


