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Training Notices by Email |
05/21/2025 9:00 AM - 05/21/2025 3:30 PM
Training is complimentary and open to all interested parties, including Operators, Auditors, Mayors, & Council Members! Attendees receive six CEC's. Credits are valid for Water and Wastewater Certifications. Training is provided by a USEPA Grant. For more information, please contact Dean Hayes at 701-770-9643.
Agenda |
8:30 am |
Registration |
9:00 am | Welcome, Introductions and Sign-In |
9:15 am |
North Dakota’s Motto: Wet to Dry and Dry to Wet |
Daryl Ritchison, ND Agricultural Weather Network (NDAWN) | |
10:00 am |
Enchancing Accountability through Water Audits and Leak Detection |
NDRW Staff | |
11:00 am |
Do you have what it takes to apply for a SRF loan? |
DeAnn Ament, ND Public Finance Authority | |
11:30 am |
Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) and Pushing Remote Sensors (PRESENS) |
Andrew Nygard, ND Dept. of Water Resources | |
12:00 pm |
Working Lunch Provided - Innovative Plans for Drought, Conservation and Source Water Protection |
NDRW Staff | |
1:00 pm |
Tharaldson Ethanol Water Reuse Tour |
(Caravan to and from Plant)
2:30 pm |
Smart Water: Unleashing the Power of Advanced Metering Infrastructure |
Frank Stuemke, DSG
3:30 pm |
Training Ends and Sign-Out |