Apprenticeship Program

Water and Wastewater Systems Operations Specialists are vital to communities for access to clean drinking water and to ensure wastewater effluent is returned to the environment properly. Over the next decade, the water sector is expected to lose between 30 and 50 percent of the workforce to retirement. Many of these employees have worked at the same utility for the majority of their careers, and they will depart with decades of valuable institutional knowledge.

A vast majority of rural and small community water systems have been unable to attract, train and retain the next generation workforce.


Apprenticeship Components

An apprenticeship is a formal, on-the-job training program that typically has five components:
1. Employer involvement
2. On-the-job training
3. Related instruction
4. Paid work experience
5. Award of a nationally recognized industry credential

Apprenticeship offers many benefits to both future operators and utilities. The apprentice receives full-time employment from an established system that offers on-the-job learning. The apprentice learns about the water system that employs them, picking up critical knowledge about system assets.

The apprentice also gets the chance to learn from a mentor, an operator already licensed and with experience in the field. The mentor can offer helpful information on how to advance in the industry. Apprentices receive technical instruction in addition to their on-the-job learning. This instruction helps strengthen and round out the knowledge base of the apprentice, making them a more valuable employee.

Individuals interested in a career in the drinking water industry are encouraged to contact the ND Rural Water Systems Association or apply for the program at:

Additional information:

NRWA Apprenticeship Program from National Rural Water Association on Vimeo.

Apprenticeship 101 Presentation
North Dakota Apprenticeship Presentation 
Example of BSC Enrollment  Page

Workforce Development/Apprenticeship Program Coordinator: Elizabeth Heinz

Non-Discrimination Statement
North Dakota Rural Water (NDRW) will not discriminate against apprenticeship applicants or apprentices based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, genetic information, or because they are an individual with a disability or a person 40 years old or older.  NDRW & System-Employers will take affirmative action to provide equal opportunity in apprenticeship and will operate the apprenticeship program as required under Title 29 of the Code of Federal Regulations, part 30.